Saturday, April 11, 2009

I've put all the farewell notes on one post

And the link is in the "links" list on the right. If anybody else wants to send me a note or to post one in comments, the invitation remains open. I will, of course, add any new ones to that other post.

Here's a new one that was posted in comments that I'll pull out here:

Though the ax has fallen on my head this go-round, too, i will always be glad for having had the opportunity to be a part of The Dallas Morning News.

And while it may sound like patting myself on the back, I can truly look back and know that while I felt lucky to be there, I also worked hard to stay. While I may not have walked away with any big journalism awards in my box, I could walk away knowing i did a good job.

In my time there I led the Metro coverage of the first Breeder's Cup race ever in the Southwest, I was the first to report on Farmers Branch's efforts to make illegal immigrants unwelcome there - a story that would put them in the national spotlight - and continued to top every other media outlet in the country in following that story over the next two years, and my reporting on a mayor's lies about her background derailed her bid for re-election.
Not bad for a small-town girl with no degree, lol.

I am proud to have been a part of what was long considered one of the best papers in the country, and to have known each and every one of you.

Today, i remain heartbroken to have been let go after 13 years with the company. I also am at a loss to explain it. Coming in from the old suburban newspapers I know my salary never reached those of many of my colleagues. So the didn't save much by letting me go.

But it is what it is, and it was time to move on.

I with all of you who remain the best of luck. i really don't expect newspapers to be around much longer, and that's the saddest part of all.

To those of you who were laid off, this time or previous times, I hope you find happiness and fulfillment and stability, whereever the road takes you.

Stephanie Sandoval

Job fairs in the near future

A reader sends this in:
Link to complete list of upcoming job fairs:

Tuesday, April 14
Cities of Carrollton and Farmers Branch Job Fair, 2 to 6 p.m., Addison Convention Center, 15650 Addison Road, Addison, TX 75001, (972) 573-3533
University of Phoenix Career Fair, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Omni Dallas Hotel at Park West, 1590 LBJ Freeway at Luna Road, Dallas, TX 75234, (214) 675-3059

Wednesday, April 15
Grand Prairie WorkForce Solutions Greater Dallas Job Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 801 W. Freeway St., Suite 500, Grand Prairie, TX 75051, (972) 264-5881
Spring Career Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mountain View College, 4849 W. Illinois Ave., Dallas, TX 75211, (214) 860-8553

Additional Job Openings:
Dallas County Community College District
Openings for teaching and non-teaching. The pay is good. I'm happy to provide my name for applicants. They ask for people you know who work in the district. Appplication is online and timed so have your materials ready.

Collin County Community College District
Also an online application. Have your materials ready.

UPDATE: Check the comments for more job ops. If you have more jobs, this is a good post to use. Add to the comments.