Monday, April 6, 2009

Non-newsroom cuts

A commenter asks about non-newsroom layoff numbers. I'm not going to make an effort to get those. Too much already on my plate. But if
others want to post comments here with information, go ahead.


  1. Overheard chatter of 15 in advertising thus far...

  2. Who is going to sell ads now? Japanese robots in an office in Delhi?

  3. Where is the Grim Reaper now? Very quiet at the moment in our area...

  4. The same ones who have always hung in there and sold ads before. We seem to be able to do more with less people at every turn. And we are not Japanese robots in Delhi, we are human beings with feelings - same as some others on here.

  5. This is classic a "for want of a shoe" cautionary tale for the top floor.
    To mix a metaphor, they're killing off so many worker bees that the hive won't function. Out sourcing = Cheaper worker Bees! Quality of work is not an issue when the bottom line is $$$.

    Top floor hasn't a clue about the mechanics of the hive or how difficult it is to get nectar & pollen from heat stressed flowers, after all a drone is a drone; all that matters is that there is honey for the queens and their consorts - the nectar gathering and honey comb building just magically "happen". So they'll force the managing bees to work the remaining drones to exhaustion, complain when the outsourced bee's wax and honey are substandard (who and what can you get for well under 30K a year?) and deny any responsibility with destroying the hard won symbiotic relationship with the remaining flowers that feed it and by November, this hive will be facing its last winter.

  6. could not have said it better myself!

  7. I got the hives just reading that post. I know, I know. Mind my own bees wax.

  8. Honey, you have no idea...

  9. heh heh Moroney and Decherd are "queen bees" heh heh.

  10. After they lay off everyone that does the work, what will the paper look like then???

  11. Do we know how many people were cut today?
